ASIIN (Accreditation Agency for Degree Programs in Engineering, Informatics/Computer Science, the Natural Sciences, and Mathematics) is a prestigious international accreditation agency. The certificate states that “The degree program is aligned to Level 7 of the European Qualifications Framework for Life-long Learning (EQF LLL).” This international recognition...
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Master of Mathematics Education Study Program FMIPA UNY has been Internationally Accredited by ASIIN
Post date: 21/05/2020 - 22:20 -
Post date: 21/01/2020 - 22:23
The beginning of 2020 is very special for one of the Postgraduate students majoring in Mathematics Education at Yogyakarta State University. The reason is, that the student who is also a recipient of the LPDP scholarship succeeded in becoming a presenter at the “11th International Conference on E-Education, E-Business, E-Management, and E-Learning (IC4E 2020)”...
Post date: 08/01/2020 - 23:05
The development of technology has an impact on industrial development, which in turn affects all aspects of people's lives. The existence of this industrial revolution certainly has an impact on changes in the world community. The Industrial Revolution 4.0 proposed by Germany in 2011 through digital transformation, Internet of Things (IoT), and blockchain has...
Post date: 12/11/2019 - 13:06
Endah Retnowati, Ph.D., a lecturer in the Mathematics Education Master Program of UNY, gave a lecture on Mathematics Education Research, especially in the field of Cognitive Load Theory (CLT) on...
Post date: 16/10/2019 - 13:08
Mathematics Education Master Program of PPs UNY presented Dr. Muhammad Khair bin Noordin from UTM Malaysia. Dr. Noordin explained the use of information technology in learning Mathematics. One of them is the use of Augmented Reality that can provide an element of “fun” in learning Mathematics, he said in front of students of Mathematics Education S2 PPs UNY....
Post date: 16/10/2019 - 10:09
The Master of Mathematics Education Program was presented by Prof. Dr. Barry Kissane from Murdoch University Western Australia. Barry delivered material on the use of Classwiz and Classpad Calculators for learning Mathematics in Schools. In his explanation, Barry revealed the use of calculators as a tool for solving mathematical problems as well as a tool to...
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