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Kegiatan Focused Research Discussion: What Interesting in Cognitive Load Research on Instructional Designs
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The Indonesian Center for Cognitive Load Research held a Focused Research Discussion event with the topic “What is interesting in cognitive load research on instructional designs”. This event was held on Monday, January 22, 2024, from 15:00 WIB until completion. The implementation was carried out using a mixed method (Hybrid), and there were two sessions when the event took place. There were 5 speakers at this Focused Research Discussion event, namely Endah Retnowati, Ph.D and Prof. Sugiman, M.Si from Yogyakarta State University, Associate Professor Paul Ginns from the University of Sydney, Associate Professor Jose Hanham from Western Sydney University, and Associate Professor Ouhao Chen, Ph.D from the University of Leeds. Each of the presenters explained about the potential and interesting things from the research field with the theme of Cognitive Load Theory.
This event was attended by more than 200 participants who attended directly at the venue and attended online via Zoom Meeting. All participants who attended the session room 3 FMIPA UNY listened very solemnly to the various presentations delivered by the speakers in the first session, which lasted until 17.30 WIB. All participants and organizers rested until the research discussion activities in the second session began at 19.00 WIB. In this second session, everything was carried out online through Zoom Meeting, which began with a presentation of material by Endah Retnowati, Ph.D, and continued with the presentation of research results on the theme of Cognitive Load Theory in mathematics education research by each student researcher. Finally, a discussion session was held with the speakers and participants who attended, with the hope that more and more people will be interested in Cognitive Load Theory research in the future.
Editor: HnR
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