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WEBINAR SERIES #5: Good Practices in Mathematics Education in Countries with High PISA Scores
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Saturday, November 9th, 2024, the Mathematics Education Study Program, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Yogyakarta State University (UNY), held another Webinar Series #5. This webinar carries the theme ""Good Practices of Mathematics Education in Countries with High PISA Scores"". It presents two experienced resource persons, namely Wiworo, S.Si., M.M., a BBGP DIY widyaiswara, and Nurina Ayuningtyas, M.Pd., a numeracy specialist from Article 33 as well as a lecturer in Mathematics Education at PGRI Delta University Sidoarjo.
The event, which was held online through the Zoom platform and broadcast live on the UNY Mathematics Education YouTube channel, began with remarks from Dr. Kuswari Hernawati, M.Kom, the coordinator of the undergraduate mathematics education study program at Yogyakarta State University. The speech emphasized the importance of understanding and adapting the best practices of mathematics learning from countries that are successful in mathematics literacy, such as Singapore, China, and Russia.
In the first session, Mr. Wiworo, S.Si., M.M., presented"Learning True and Meaningful Mathematics from Singapore, China, and Russia."Mr. Wiworo, S.Si., M.M., discussed Indonesia's position in PISA mathematics literacy and then explored the mathematics learning approaches applied in these countries Furthermore, Nurina Ayuningtyas, M.Pd., presented the material entitled"Adaptation of Learning from Countries with High PISA Mathematics Literacy Results.” She l"ked mathematics learning objectives in the independent curriculum with the PISA 2020 Mathematics Framework. He also discussed examples of meaningful learning, such as math talks in Singapore. In addition, he gave examples of government efforts to improve mathematics literacy, such as implementing Japanese adaptation books for Indonesian students in grades 1 and 2 and concrete examples of numeracy learning based on international practices.
This webinar was also supported by a research group of Prof. Dr. Ariyadi Wijaya, Dr. R. Rosnawati, M.Si., Drs. Tuharto, M.Si., and Caturiyati, M.Si. The participants' enthusiasm, lecturers, students, and teachers, were seen through interactive discussions and active participation in question-and-answer sessions. Through this activity, it is hoped that educators can gain inspiration to continue to innovate, adapt, and strengthen the quality of mathematics learning in the country. (HnR)
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