Webinar Series #6: Artificial Intelligence (AI) based Math Learning Media.

Department of Mathematics Education, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Yogyakarta State University successfully held Webinar Series #6 2024. This webinar was held on Saturday, November 23, 2024, with the theme Artificial Intelligence (AI) Based Mathematics Learning Media.

The event was opened by Dr. Kuswari Hernawati, S.Si., M.Kom. She conveyed the purpose of this Webinar Series #6 to open new insights and gain inspiration to utilize technology to support effective and enjoyable learning.The first speaker, Mr. Kelik Yan Pradana, S.Pd., Gr., M.M. delivered material on the topic “Integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Mathematics Learning Media to Improve Student Numeracy Skills”.He explained about Artificial Intelligence, strategies to improve students' numeracy skills, and also recommended a complete AI that can be used for learning preparation, implementation, and evaluation.

The second speaker, Noval Abdillah, S. Pd., presented the material on the Preparation of AI-Assisted Genially-Based Mathematics Interactive Learning Media. In his presentation, he explained and practiced practical steps in creating learning media using Genially. He described the excellent features of this platform, such as the ease of composing interactive presentations, adding interesting visual elements, and inserting quizzes to increase student engagement.

The webinar, which was hosted by Finda Triarsa, S. Pd. was interactive, where participants enthusiastically asked questions in the question and answer session about the application of AI-based mathematics learning media in supporting a more effective and interactive teaching and learning process. The Mathematics Education Department of FMIPA UNY continues to be committed to making a positive contribution to the development of mathematics education that is innovative and relevant to technological developments in Indonesia. (HnR)