The Use of Augmented Reality in Math Learning

Mathematics Education Master Program of PPs UNY presented Dr. Muhammad Khair bin Noordin from UTM Malaysia. Dr. Noordin explained the use of information technology in learning Mathematics. One of them is the use of Augmented Reality that can provide an element of “fun” in learning Mathematics, he said in front of students of Mathematics Education S2 PPs UNY. Augmented Reality technology is a breakthrough in learning media where the learning process in the world of education so far is still a lot of conventional. This can lead to a level of boredom and a lack of motivation for students to follow the lesson. Especially in math subjects. Because these lessons are often considered difficult by students and difficult to understand.

By utilizing Augmented Reality (AR) learning media developed in Android-based mobile phone technology. The method used in the development of this system is the waterfall method. With the development of this learning media, it can look more real and can make students more interested in learning math subjects.

The activity which was opened by the Director of PPs UNY, Prof. Dr. Marsigit, M.A. is expected to develop material and create research for both lecturers and UNY students in the field of Digital Media. In addition, this activity aims to add scientific insights in the field of Digital Technology of Mathematics Learning internationally to encourage the direction of World Class University through competent speakers. (ant)