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UNY Students Succeed at PPPMI 2024 Congress: Group 1 Won 1st Place in Learning Video Competition
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The Master of Mathematics Education Program at Yogyakarta State University (UNY) once again showed its achievements at the national level. At the Congress of the Indonesian Postgraduate Mathematics Education Association (PPPMI) in 2024, students from this program won first place in the learning video competition, especially in the category of reviewing other people's articles.
This competition was attended by four groups consisting of eight master students of mathematics education class 2022 and 2023. The participants were Diah Nur Hidayati, Isna Sofiatun, Johannes Gultom, Bertha Oktavika Sembiring, Sela Lufita Nasution, Musliha, Siti Nurfajriah, and Tedi Fitriyadi. They not only worked hard and showed high academic ability, but were also accompanied and guided by two competent mentors, namely Mrs. Endah Retnowati, Ph.D., and Mr. Hadi Nur Rahman, M.Pd.
Based on the results of the competition announcement, group 1 won first place in the category of reviewing other people's articles. This achievement is not only a pride for the participants, but also for the Master of Mathematics Education Program UNY as a whole. This victory is expected to motivate all students and lecturers to continue to excel and inspire each other. “Hopefully this achievement will be a motivation to continue to excel and inspire others,” said Mrs. Endah Retnowati, Ph.D., one of the competition assistants. She also added that this achievement is the result of hard work and solid cooperation between students and lecturers.
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