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The Study Program holds Accelerated Study Activities for Mathematics Education Masters Students FMIPA UNY
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To be able to graduate on time in accordance with the standard period of S2 study, students need to be equipped with sufficient knowledge to be able to determine effective strategies that can be used during lectures. To support this, the Master of Mathematics Education Study Program FMIPA UNY held a Study Acceleration event for Master of Mathematics Education students of the 2023 odd and even intakes. This activity was initiated by Koorprodi S2 Mathematics Education, Prof. Dr. Agus Maman Abadi, M.Si., with the aim of providing information to students about the latest themes and topics regarding research in the field of Mathematics Education that can be appointed as their thesis research during their studies.
The event was moderated by Hadi Nur Rahman, M.Pd., featuring 3 resource persons with expertise in each field of Mathematics Education research, namely Wahyu Setyaningrum, Ph.D, Endah Retnowati, Ph.D, and Prof. Dr. Sugiman, M.Si. With this event, it is hoped that students will get inspiration from the beginning regarding research ideas in order to facilitate thesis writing, so that all students can determine effective strategies to immediately write the final thesis project so that they can graduate on time.
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Kampus Karangmalang Lantai 3, Gedung Dekanat FMIPA Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta
Colombo No.1, Yogyakarta 55281,
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