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International students of Mathematics Education Postgraduate Program, Yogyakarta State University
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The mathematics education graduate program at Yogyakarta State University is now not only in demand by students from Indonesia but also from abroad. Baoyang YOUAYIA, an alumnus of Soupanouvong University Laos, decided to continue his graduate studies in 2018. With a lot of struggle, he finally managed to get a scholarship from the KNB scholarship and chose Yogyakarta State University as his destination campus. The main reason Baoyang chose the UNY postgraduate program in addition to the quality of the UNY campus itself was also due to his interest in the research articles produced by the mathematics education study program of the UNY postgraduate program both by dosean and students. Bao also has the belief that by choosing to study at UNY there will be many positive things he can learn and can bring to be developed in his country later. Bao, who initially found it difficult to understand the Indonesian language, slowly began to adapt to his environment, little by little he learned Indonesian culture, learned the local language and there were even some Javanese songs that he had mastered. Bao feels that he has found new friends and family in Indonesia. One thing that has become his current target is to maximize the rest of his time in Indonesia to learn as much as possible and be able to complete the postgraduate program on time with the best predicate of course. MISG
Kontak Kami
Kampus Karangmalang Lantai 3, Gedung Dekanat FMIPA Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta
Colombo No.1, Yogyakarta 55281,
Telp. +62274-586168 psw 217, 336, (front office)
Telp. +62274-565411
Fax. +62274-548203
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