Inauguration of the New Master and Doctoral Building of FMIPA UNY

To develop the quality of education at the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (FMIPA), Yogyakarta State University (UNY) made a new achievement by inaugurating two new buildings, namely the Student Organization Building (Ormawa) and the Postgraduate Building. The inauguration took place on Tuesday (31/12/2024) at FMIPA UNY, attended by the Rector and his staff, Deans and Vice Deans of FMIPA UNY, several lecturers, and students, as well as guests.

The purpose of this construction is a form of commitment to the development of academic and student affairs infrastructure. The Ormawa Building is designed as a student activity center to support the development of soft skills, creativity, and cross-field collaboration. Meanwhile, the Postgraduate Building was built to provide adequate facilities for students and lecturers to carry out the teaching and learning process, research, and scientific seminars to support all academic activities for the Masters and Doctoral Study Programs at FMIPA UNY. The Postgraduate Building is designed with modern classrooms, research laboratories, a special library, and an auditorium that can accommodate hundreds of participants used for final assignment trials for Masters and Doctoral students, one of which is for students of the Master of Mathematics Education Study Program FMIPA UNY.

The Rector of UNY, Prof. Dr. Sumaryanto, M.Kes., AIFO, in his speech, stated that the construction of facilities and infrastructure aims to improve the quality of learning, research, and community service. “This new facility is a concrete manifestation of our commitment to create a modern, inclusive learning environment that supports student development in various fields,” said Prof. Dr. Sumaryanto, M.Kes., AIFO. The construction of this new facility involves all partners from inside and outside UNY. The service of this facility is expected to create a more comfortable environment and support teaching and learning activities and other student activities. The inauguration ceremony ended with the signing of the inscription by the Rector of UNY accompanied by the Chairman of the Board of Trustees and the Chairman of SAU.

With the inauguration of the Ormawa and Postgraduate Building, FMIPA UNY shows its commitment to continuously improving the quality of education and services, making the campus a comfortable and inspiring place for the entire academic community. (Ratna/Witono/Hadi).