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Muhammad Kamaluddin Joins International Seminar in Istanbul-TurkeyInternational Seminar in Istanbul-Turkey Muhammad Kamaluddin, S. Pd, a Master of Mathematics Education student, Postgraduate Program, Yogyakarta State University, became one of the present
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Muhammad Kamaluddin, S. Pd, a Master of Mathematics Education student, Postgraduate Program, Yogyakarta State University, became one of the presenters at the 6th International Conference on Education, Social Sciences and Humanities (SOCIOINT) which was held in Istanbul, Turkey on June 24-26, 2019. This seminar is an annual activity organized by the International Organization Center of Academic Research. This activity is an international scientific forum to exchange research results and discuss current issues in the fields of education, social sciences and humanities. More than 200 participants from academics, practitioners, and researchers from more than 30 countries participated in presenting their papers either directly or virtually.
In this seminar, this LPDP scholarship recipient student presented his research paper entitled “Students' Perceptions of Discovery-based Mathematics Learning Activity Using Real Situational Context”. This paper discusses how students' perceptions of learning activities carried out using discovery learning-based student activity sheets (LKS) using contexts that are deliberately made in the classroom so that students can demonstrate them. The context used in this learning provides opportunities for students to be directly involved in situations that they can feel and at the same time become objects of observation in learning. Students' perception is one of the factors that can be used to evaluate the quality of learning activities carried out, especially to see whether these learning activities provide meaningful learning experiences for students.
In order to find out how students' perceptions, he used an instrument in the form of a student response questionnaire given after the learning process. The data from this questionnaire was then triangulated with the data from interviews and observations during the learning process. This data triangulation is intended to ensure that students give their perceptions honestly according to their learning experiences. The results of this study show that students have a good perception of discovery learning-based mathematics learning activities using real situational context. Students believe that the activities help them in constructing and understanding the mathematical concepts learned effectively. In addition, the activities designed in small groups also motivate them to learn actively. Papers presented in this seminar will be reviewed for publication in Thomson Reuters indexed proceedings. (Sgm)
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