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Lecture on Dynamical Systems by Prof. F. Verhaulst
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The Dynamical Systems 2 lecture was held in July 2019 by inviting a lecturer from the University of Utrecht, Prof. Ferdinand Verhulst. He is a mathematician who specializes in Dynamical Systems, Non Linear ODEs and PDEs, and Singular Pertubation. The lecture was attended by 9 students with the material discussed was Bendixons Criterion and Perturbation Theory. The lecture was conducted in the form of a team with the lecturer of the course, namely: Dr. Hartono, M.Si. The implementation of this Visiting Professor activity aims to foster an academic climate in the study program environment, add insight to students, and strengthen collaboration between internal lecturers and lecturers from abroad, and support activities towards a world class university.
The names of the students registered for the Dynamic System 2 lecture are (1) Diana Prastiwi, (2) Aizza Zakkiyatul Fathin, (3) Restu Widhi Laksana, (4) Deden Hidayat, (5) Eka Puspita Sari, (6) Herlingga Putuwita Nanmumpuni, (7) Ahmad Muhazir, (8) Inggri Ramadhani Widigda, (9) Farida Yesi Velani, (10) Cinta Adi Kusuma Dewi, and (11) Aulia Nur Arivina. (sgm)
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