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Pandemic Conditions Improve, Master of Mathematics Education Students Participate in International Seminar in Pattaya, Thailand.
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Along with the improving pandemic conditions, various activities began to get permission to be carried out offline while still observing health protocols. This condition was welcomed by students of the Master of Mathematics Education at Yogyakarta State University to actively participate in offline activities again. On 25-26 August 2022, five students attended the 38th PATTAYA International Conference on ‘Economics, Education, Humanities & Social Sciences’ (PEHSS-22) in Pattaya, Thailand. PEHSS-22 was organized by Dignified Researchers Publication (DiRPUB). PEHSS-22 was attended by 33 presenters from various countries, including Saudi Arabia, Malaysia, Thailand, Jordan, Korea, Iraq, Laos, India, Uganda, Pakistan, Bangladesh, and Indonesia. The keynote speakers included Prof. Dr. Bülent Topcuoğlu (Turkey), Dr. Hemantkumar P. Bulsara (India), and Dr. Y. Thaweesak (Thailand). Students who participated in the activity were students of the Master of Mathematics Education Study Programme Class of 2020, including Ittaqie Tafuzie (20709251033), Zahrotur Rohmah (20709251032), Dian Septi Anifa Chusna (20709251034), Azriah (20709251021), and Eva Julianingsih (20709251019). This activity received funding assistance from the Education Fund Management Agency (LPDP), Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Indonesia. They hope that the experience gained can improve their competence in writing scientific papers and publications.
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