Visiting Professor: Endah Retnowati, Ph.D. Teaching at UPSI Malaysia

Endah Retnowati, Ph.D., a lecturer in the Mathematics Education Master Program of UNY, gave a lecture on Mathematics Education Research, especially in the field of Cognitive Load Theory (CLT) on November 7-16, 2019 at the Faculty of Science and Mathematics (FSM) UPSI, Malaysia. In addition to teaching, he also conducted discussion activities with lecturers at the faculty related to research in the field of CLT which is expected to result in collaborative research in the following year. This activity is a follow-up to the MoU between UNY and UPSI.

The visiting professor activity to FSM UPSI Malaysia is in line with the vision of the study program which is expected to become a superior study program at the Southeast Asian level and in line with UNY's vision to become a world-class educational university. The implementation of this visiting professor program is expected to be an embryo to initiate broader follow-up programs either with UPSI or with other universities. (sgm and HnR)