Workshop Series: Some Tips in Searching Reference
Submitted by adm1n on Thu, 2022-09-15 09:42
In order to support the smoothness and readiness of S2 students in finding references for writing scientific articles and theses, the Master of Mathematics Education study programme held a Workshop Series 1 event with the theme Some Tips in Searching Reference. The speakers of this workshop were Nur Fitriani, S.Pd. (Master of Mathematics Education Student in Even Semester 2022) and Hadi Nur Rahman, M.Pd. (Alumni of Master of Mathematics Education 2019) to share their experiences about sources and how to find references more efficiently. The sources presented were quite numerous and varied, including DOAJ references, Research Gate, IJET, IJIM, Open Access Theses and Desertations, Publish and Perish 8 applications and many more. By knowing many references and how to access them from the beginning of entering the lecture, it is hoped that students will be able to be more alert in finding material in making scientific articles and theses, so that they are better prepared to face lectures and graduate at the right time. (HnR)