Visit from BIAS Elementary School Yogyakarta to the Department of Mathematics Education, FMIPA UNY
Submitted by adm1n on Wed, 2024-05-15 16:54
The Department of Mathematics Education, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta (FMIPA UNY) received a study visit from SD BIAS Jl Kaliurang and SD BIAS Palagan on Thursday, 5/15/24 in Session Room 2 FMIPA UNY. Head of the Department of Mathematics Education, Dr. Sri Andayani, M.Kom, in her speech, explained the facilities at FMIPA UNY, namely the Digital Library Building, Computer Laboratory, Lecture Building, Microteaching Laboratory, several study programs at FMIPA UNY, especially Mathematics Education Study Programme, Mathematics Study Programme and Statistics Study Programme, several achievements of FMIPA UNY students. ‘In mathematics, we learn how to make learning media and how mathematics is fun. This is to attract students‘ motivation in learning, especially to become mathematicians and mathematics teachers,’ said Sri Andayani.
Meanwhile, the Head of SD BIAS Kaliurang, Ning Satiti Dwi Retna Sari, S.Pd.Si., said that Maths is fun and easy. Our visit aims to evaluate the learning methods that can be applied. We express our gratitude to FMIPA UNY for accepting the visit to learn outside the classroom (outing class), one of which goes to the campuses, FMIPA UNY.
The activity continued with games with the theme of ‘fun maths’, which was attended by students of SD BIAS Yogyakarta grades 3 and 4. The first was the game ‘Set the Position’. This game involves mimicking and organizing the flow of images with certain motion rules. This was followed by the ‘Move and Grab’ game. This game is about arranging tokens/food so that it is difficult for the opponent to eat with the specified motion rules. The maths game was guided by Bambang Sumarno H M, M.Kom. Bambang Sumarno said that the purpose of the game was computational thinking to perform the stages of decomposition, and similarity, and focus on important information, and algorithms.